

  • The "cabbage soup" (look it up) diet actually works for these urgent situations. It's a week long detox. I tried it for 7 days before my friends wedding and lost 9 pounds. Just keep in mind that you will gain those pounds right back afterwards, because you mostly just lose water weight. Hope this helps!
  • I'm new here too! What I love is that when I load in all my calories and I go over, I am pushed to add an exercise in for the day to keep the calories above negative. I love it when it says i stayed under my calorie intake! Keep with this and I'm sure we'll both see some awesome results soon. So far so good!
    in i am new Comment by alildil2000 May 2011
  • I love the idea of holding each other accountable! I just started this a few days ago as well, i really like it so far! I'm also trying to not eat anything white: pasta,pizza,bread,rice,cake...all those carbs. I'll just eat whole wheat if I need bread or pasta. I'll see how it goes :) Great job saying no to a tasty temping…
    in Hi MFP! Comment by alildil2000 May 2011