stevenehunt Member


  • Truth is.... I'm just coming to the end of my "One Last Try"..... I agreed with with my wife and Dr that if after this last effort to do it on my own I would consider the surgery if I failed again...... so thats how I got here.....
  • Well.. that seems to the my personal Drs take on things... nothing seems to be working and the risks that go along with my weight and age are about to catch up with me if I don't lose the weight... one way or another... I'll let you know what happens.. right now I'd say I'm leaning towards it.
  • Thank you for replying... I am aware of the changes I need to make and I admit I am concerned about it since I've obviously been aware that I need to make changes for some time and have not been able to do it. I'm optimistic about a couple of things though and am interested to hear your thoughts... First, the center that…
  • Thank you for the info. I'm sorry to hear about her troubles, but it's good to know. I'm curious to know about her incision... did she have one large incision? My surgery (if I go through with it) will be laproscopic, which I hear reduces those problems. I also agree with your comment about trying to do it without the…
  • I have... also Drs, a trainer and a short time with a psychologist to boot.... I still believe I could do it on my own.... but I'v been believing that for 15 years and I'm being forced to face the fact, that although I believe I can, I'm not able to do it.
  • I'm new here too. Started on Sunday the 1st. So far I like the site and the phone app. 1st 3 lbs down.....