jackiebebby Member


  • Watch your portion sizes up your water and fiber and you will lose weight. Your weight gain may be the result of water retainage.
  • It is brand new- so you can't think of it like that! It has a different weight mechanism. I would use my old scale to assess how well I did! <3
  • Welcome to the group MiagracesMummy! And Congratulations on your up and coming WEDDING! :happy: I have hectic days too and understand when you are tired it is harder to make the effort to make the healthier decision for ourselves! But we are worth it! And if we mess up once in a while- Theres always a fresh start…
  • put some lime in the water and if you need it sweeter add sugar or splenda. Also- Crystal light is low in calories and they have the to go packs that you can mix in water on the go!
  • Youre not the only chick who is focused on the health aspect... Heart disease runs in my family and I don't want to get my first heart attack at the age of 35. The looks are extra motivation, but I still rock my bikini at about 30 pounds overweight, so I can't say I have let my weight impact anything I want to do, or wear,…
  • I am in! Thank you for making this group! I am getting married in January and have this amount to lose!! I had lost 9 pounds, got on the scale after a really horrible few weeks and 7 is back! How Easyyy those pounds get comfy with us again! LOL! It will be great to see everyone's success! Good Luck to ALL! Goal: -30 (Sorry…