begleybob Member


  • I didn't want another app for tracking glucose, so I just added it to MFP. Since I have MFP app on my phone, I can update weight and glucose from my phone. I added the glucose measurement by going into (instead of the app) and going to My Home>Check-In and then clicking on the link to add another…
  • Instead of a separate phone app, I just added glucose as another measurement to MFP. Results can be entered through the MFP phone app.
  • I am relatively new to this group, too, although I have used MFP in the past. I was in denial for years and had a myriad of excuses why I could not address my T2. The reason I started back in earnest this time was that my family doctor was in my face about it. Then my husband said that he's been worrying that I'm killing…
  • Thank you robert65fergu! I've only been tracking in MFP for a week and just joined this forum. Although the standard MFP ratios appeared to be consistent with recommended ranges for T2 diabetics I found on the Internet, it just seemed to be high on carbs. I'm happy to find this post of an alternative ratio for diabetics.
  • Thanks for this topic. I just started MFP and metformin about a week ago. I have been using the "traditional" 55:15:30 ratio for carb:protein:fat, which equates to about 195 g carbs per day. But after reading this string, I'm re-evaluating this strategy.
  • Thank you LauraDotts for the suggestion on how to track Glucose levels by adding an additional measurement. I have been using the tracker less than 1 week after a long absence. I have used the notes section so far, but I tried your suggestion and like that a lot better since I can also see the numbers in chart form using…