lmclaren29 Member


  • For those ladies who have PCOS and have been trying for a while, I HIGHLY recommend going to see a fertility specialist. As soon as my family doctor determined I had PCOS she referred me to a fertility clinic immediately and they were amazing. I didn't end up needing treatments for my son, but I am going to go again this…
  • I think 0.5 too - much more reasonable. My poor husband got the brunt of my hungry-grumpy this week LOL. This should help :)
  • I do have a scale that I weight with and measure things as well :smile: I think finding the foods that work is key - it's only my first week so it's a lot of trail and error until I figure out what keeps me fuller longer and such.
  • I changed it to 0.5lbs per week and it re-calculated to 1430cals so I think that is better suited...I can handle that. I can't handle what I was doing because last night I swear I was in tears eating dinner because I was so hungry and I really wanted to have the whole piece of chicken on my plate but only had half because…
  • I am trying for LO #2. I have PCOS, ended up getting pg with #1 naturally after 8 months of TTC (I was supposed to go on Clomid but found out I was pg just before I was about to start). Started TTC this time around in June. Here to hold hands!