hayleykayshh Member


  • https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=jqp2rGl3P4c&feature=share
  • Well binging is difficult because it can be triggered by so many emotional things and also if you're lacking certain nutrients I think your body will try to compensate. Just try to keep a balanced diet and try to only have healthy foods around if you can help it. or hide the not so healthy foods in the back. binging for me…
  • I myself am new to this site, just started yesterday. I too have PCOS.. I don't know much about how to deal with it. Also I have depression and binge eat as well. I've stopped binge eating and have been working on my depression through spiritual work.. live like the Buddhists do. Kind of. A lot of it is just in the mind…
  • All that sounds yummy! I'll save those ideas. I've talked to my family about it.. some are more welcoming of the idea than the others. My grandma wouldn't mind at all, she will eat whatever you cook since she can't anymore. My mom just yells incoherent things about "do it yourself" "I don't have time to think about healthy…
  • I can only eat salad if I am dressing it with ranch (one of the few dairy products I eat now.) I have not heard of the hairy bikers, I'll look that show up. And I eat eggs on occasion like when my mom cooks for us all, I feel bad turning down her food so I just eat small amounts. I prefer hard boiled eggs though because…
  • Lucyluosmummy, it is hard for me to eat more because it seems counter intuitive. Also because the family members I live with (my mom grandma and two older brothers) eat very unhealthy I try not to eat any of their food and just stick to what I know is good for me. My biggest problem is I just don't know what to eat.. I've…
  • Thank you all for your replies! Paul, I kick started my diet with first becoming vegan. That was hard. I only did that for about 2 weeks then added in some chicken and fish. But I do still stay away from dairy as much as I can since I have an intolerance to it. On non exercise days I mostly rest or do leisurely activities…
  • Hello Sarah, firstly I am sorry that people were mean to you too. It's unfortunate and doesn't help anybody. It certainly didn't help to have a medical condition against me. But we get the hand we're dealt and have to make the best of it. I did feel like I was starving at first but after a while my stomach shrunk I guess…