The way I understand it is if you have 5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle, the muscle will take up less space, it's smaller.
I take medications that make it difficult for me to lose weight so I can appreciate your frustrations. When I really needed answers I went to specialists at a teaching hospital. The "team" seeing me were aware of new research. Perhaps a teaching hospital could help you. Also, often teaching hospitals have weight loss…
For me, keeping track of my calories helps me to lose weight because I am aware of everything I eat. Being aware of my food intake provides a visual presentation of my food habits (for good or bad). So yes, I do think just counting calories can be enough.
1st; It's impressive that you recognized you needed some help and then did something about it. Very brave, very wise. No matter how credentialed your nutritionist is, it's a bad fit. Find one that you can communicate with and make your journey a positive experience.