pushing50 Member


  • I have heard of Magnesium for sleep. Minerals before bedtime. Vitamins when you wake up. Many vitamins have alerting effects whereas minerals assist sleep.
  • Poor sleep will make it difficult to lose weight. Sleep helps to regulate hormones that affect hunger and feeling full etc. such as Ghrelin, Leptin, and Cortisol. If you have weight predominantly in your abdomen then you may have issues with your REM sleep that may also be related to stress. I know addressing my stress has…
  • Oatmeal will help stabilize your blood sugar longer so I imagine that cereal with oats in it would be a good choice also. Turkey has ingredients to help produce sleep.
  • As a sleep tech I imagine that your sleep issues worsened with pregnancy, There are many sleep disorders that can present themselves at pregnancy. Some go away once the little ones arrive others not so quickly. Sleep apnea (associated with weight gain that sometimes only needs 10 pounds to be a problem), limb movement…