Joy545 Member


  • Hello I'm 45 and started my weight loss journey on 1st January this year, I know only early days 11 weeks down and I have lost 15.8 kg's. Started at 120 kg's and will be getting to my goal weight of 65 kg's. I bought a fitbit and have done minimum of 10,000 steps every day. I have changed my diet dramatically, no more…
  • Well done, you're an amazing lady. I love how you refused to go on the medication, and have lost the weight the normal way! I'm also starting a similar journey (today is day 5) I have to lose 132 lbs (60 kg's)! After reading your story I'm even more inspired, keep up the fantastic work!! :smile:
  • Hello, I just joined 4 days ago, I also have over 100 lbs to lose (132 lbs) you can add me, I'm happy to support you! Everyone has been so supportive here, I'm glad I found this site. You can do it, just one day at a time and this is for life our healthy living lifestyle. Good luck!! :smile:
  • Wow, that's great 85lbs down, you're nearly there - well done!!
  • Hello, I have just joined today, I'm looking for support too. I'm motivated and ready to move this weight off :smile:
  • I have apple cider vinegar twice a day, first thing of a morning 1 teaspoon in 200ml warm water. After my evening meal I have the same with cold water. I also add it to salads. Many years ago a Naturopath told me to try it and I have done so ever since! :smile: