ddas66 Member


  • Welcome to MFP. I have been a member for a couple of months and have found MFP very helpful to stay on track.
  • Hi, I am 48. I have lost 32 so far and have about 80 to go. I eat a whole food clean diet. I have a large veggie garden and we also raise our own rabbits and chickens for meat so a majority of what I eat I grow or raise. My main exercise is walking. I walk between 40 and 45 miles per week according to my fitbit. I also…
  • Dietitians will tell you to eat less calories than you consume to lose weight. On a basic level it is simple math Calories Out - Calories in = Weight Loss. To loose weight you can eat an un-clean diet and yes that even includes a Trinkie diet if someone chooses, but to lose weight and improve your health (blood pressure,…
  • I don't know the answer but I do know that when I drink alcohol I have sugar craving the next day. For some reason, alcohol sugars seem to impact me more than other types of sugar, ever refined sugar. I stay away from alcohol so keeping on track is easier.
  • Sunday Share I was awaken last night by a 6.0 earthquake. I am headed out to the barn to see how the animals fared. I don't expect much damage but I am a little worried about the rabbits stand. We just build them a new stand for their cages and were planning to strap them to the fence in case of an earthquake today. We…
  • Welcome and congrats on the weight lose thus far. I am a newbie to MFP too and am loving it. Keep up the awesome workouts.
  • Awesome Story. You are and look great. Thanks for sharing your inspiring stories
  • Took my 25 year old bike into the shop earlier this week. I get to pick it up today. Going for a bike ride this weekend. I am really excited to have my bike back. I used to ride it all the time with my dog by my side. She used to get sooo excited when she heard me go to get my bike. My dog passed away many years ago but…
  • @skinnyjeanzbo Awesome Job at the gym. Have fun at the festival and enjoy the time with you niece.
  • Friday - Fitness Walking to get fit. Walked 5.9 miles today. Going to the store to get more yogurt and apples for the weekend.
  • Newbie here. I just joined MFP a few days ago and love it. I have never been much of a calorie counter but boy does it help. I have always been a fairly healthy eater but my portions are out of control and I am a major grazer. I can literally eat all day long. My goal is to loose a total of 140 lbs and I am down 4 so far.…