

  • Just a quick hello, to stay somewhat where the thread goes. Trying to read all I can, but very busy. Going primal again, see if that brings the desired weight loss. Happy weekend all!
  • Just the inspiration I needed, thank you all so much! Mon
  • Hello, ladies! Kim, How about LovingKim? You need to love yourself before anything. So I went to that party last night and I did dance a lot, so it's not a total loss from the cardio point of view. I had a few pretzels sticks and a small handful of peanuts and a couple light beers, but managed to stay away from cake and…
  • Hello ladies, Another quick post to check in. Been reading posts, so much going on in this group! Kim, I am so sorry your mom treated you that way. So much more reason to treat yourself the right way and love yourself. Greyhoundlover Puppy prayers for your baby, and a hug for you. I know it's so hard to see them hurt.…
  • Good morning all, Had to put in a sick day yesterday, overdid on Monday with lawn care, house cleaning and so on, and got rewarded with a solid headache. Lots of sleep and rest got me back on track. Today back to the gym, not my most stellar workout, but I got up and showed up and I got it done. Tonight hopefully some…
  • Just a quick hello, hoping everybody is enjoying the weekend! Mon
  • F 5'8" 165 goal 145'ish
  • I have been reading and following the posts as best I can, but the last few days have been rather hectic. I started a cycle today, after 50 days. Dear body, make up your mind, I am tired of this back and forth! It's giving me headaches. Of course, also gained a pound with it, and it may explain that I didn't lose an ounce…
  • Thanks, Carol. I asked specifically about a Treadmill, because in the advertisement for their program they mention a treadmill. So I thought that for a treadmill I would tread a bit more, but also thought it was one of those "dream on" advertisements. :laugh:
  • Hello, lovely ladies, here I am, notebook by my side, to try and say hi to (almost) everyone). I had a pretty good day yesterday, the week has been good so far. Made it to the gym every morning before 5 (I always wonder all the way there if I am really doing this, but next week will get better). Kept a calorie deficit,…
  • 51 5'8" 165
  • Ok, confession time: I was reading posts during the day, wrote down in a notebook - and left it at work. I will post tomorrow. Have a great evening all! Monika
  • Great job, WTG!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Carol, I have some girlfriends that specialize in "staging" houses. They come to the house you want to sell, and they tell you exactly how to move furniture, plants or whatever to make it as appealing as possible, even what kind of scent should linger in the kitchen. I am sure you can find someone like that where you are…
  • Anne, Regarding your water retention, there may be several factors to consider: How much sodium do you get per day? How much water do you drink? If you find your sodium intake to be fine and water intake sufficient to hydrate you, then you maybe fined relief with a dandelion tea. A friend of mine calls it the "p-tea". Some…
  • Hello and welcome! Where in Houston are you? I live North of town, just South of Spring. Monika
  • Female 51 5'8" CW 166 GW 143
  • Thank you, and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
  • Happy Monday! Got up at 4:30 and hit the gym. Yay for me. Climbed on the elliptical totally on auto pilot, but after 5 minutes I started to wake up. So I did a good upper body workout and finished off on the treadmill. Had some issues with BodySpace, but finally managed to log my entire workout. Grandmallie - for problems…
  • Good evening, checking in after a very busy weekend. As usual, I'll drag myself to work to rest up from the weekend, haha Was able to put in a nice walk with dobe, but it is still too hot really. We both were exhausted. Today I had Frank over and his kids came. His son cooked a casserole for us - I didn't even have to…
  • Hi everyone, Happy Friday! So relieved it's Friday and I have a busy weekend ahead. :glasses: Diane, I am in TX too, North of Houston. Thanks for the welcome! I usually do avoid soy, I fit more the profile of estrogen dominant. :sick: Cynthia - I hope you find someone in Abilene, I am in Houston :smile: Sylvia - thank you,…
  • Thank you, Joyce! :happy:
  • Good moring,everyone! Only lost a miserable .2 lbs since yesterday, but it could have been way worse. Dinner with the girlfriends is always dangerous. I was able though to exchange the 500+ calorie Margarita for a couple Bud Light. And I had shrimp taco. Phew! Too tired to go dancing afterwards, so I came back home. Like…
  • I was thinking the same thing! I figure I have to read the posts with a notepad at hand, so I can remember names and what they said....
  • Thank you, Carol! Well, to introduce myself, my name is Monika, I did not have weight issues for most of my life, I'm sure many of you can relate. Then the mid 40's put a damper on it, but ok, I just worked out a little and avoided an ice cream here and a pie there. But then the 50's hit out of nowhere and I gained so much…
  • Hello, My name is Monika, I'm 51 and new to MyFitnessPal (10 days). I am a 3 year Fitbit fan, and - of course - need to drop some weight. I would like to join your group - how do I do that? Thank you!