

  • I am considering buying it also! I see several people who are using it. I need the variety to help me NOT repeat the SAME moves. I'd love to hear what you think of it.
  • New.....need friends. Not sure what body beast is but I want to know more!
  • you can google: endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph and read up on each body type to see where you fit. The endomorph has the hardest time losing weight. when I read this it all made sense to my why I can pass buy a piece of cake and gain a pound. There is some awesome information regarding insulin and HOW to keep it as…
  • You can do it! I know the feeling when your jeans continue to betray you. I had the same realization recently when I went on vacation...brought the jeans with me but when I took them out of my suit case to put them on I thought someone was playing a joke on me! My advise, research you body type (I'm the dreaded endomorph)…
  • New Orleans!
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