mathjulz Member


  • I had similar concerns before I started running. Then I realized that I was trying to run too fast in the run periods - I was pretty close to my sprinting speed (which, if I say so myself, is pretty good for as short as I am :wink: ) I had to switch to a treadmill for training so that I could control the speed. I generally…
  • It might be worth it to talk with a therapist. Many young people struggle with anger management, so it's not necessarily a sign of any other problems, but a therapist can help you brainstorm some ways to deal with it, and help you implement them. (My teenage son was seeing a therapist for the same kind of thing for a…
  • Make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time and under the same conditions each day. (Most people prefer 1st thing in the morning before eating, but after using the toilet, and undressed or underwear only). Otherwise, things like food in your digestive tract, clothing, water, etc can really throw off readings. I've…
  • You mention her cerebral (I assume) palsy as if it is part of the issue. Do you not feel like going because you don't want to watch her walk across the stage (ie embarrassment because of the awkward movements)? Or perhaps she was in special education classes and you don't feel like it's a real graduation because she didn't…
  • I agree with this, too. My MIL says her brother "cured" his pancreatic cancer by going on the alkaline diet. I don't buy it. I've studied too much biology, chemistry, and physics (and only have a physics minor, so not a whole lot of any of them) to believe most of the miraculous claims. I do take a multivitamin. But that's…
  • Read through the descriptions of each of the activity levels. You may actually be more active, which may make a bit of a difference. I'm a SAHM with 2 young children (and 3 teens) and I set it to lightly active because I am moving a lot while playing with my kids, doing housework, etc. I then add in my deliberate exercise…
  • Welcome anxiousmomma! I'm a 5-time veteran mom, lol. I've been through this a few times! How old is your little one? Are you breastfeeding? If you're still in the first months post partum, you want to start out slowly :smile: Give your body at least 6 weeks to recover from labor and delivery. Ignore your weight until at…
  • Don't try to do it all at once. Making one or two small changes at a time will get you better long term success than trying to fix it all now and getting overwhelmed. Start by keeping track of everything you eat and your activity. Once you know where those are, you can see where to start. Maybe you need to reduce snacking,…
    in Help Comment by mathjulz September 2016
  • I'd be really suspicious of the credentials of a doctor who put anyone on a diet like this. He/she should have given you a referral to a registered dietician, not an arbitrary and extreme diet. Is this a real MD, or from one of those weight loss centers? General practice or GI specialist (or endocrinologist for your…
  • You don't say how tall you are, but at 5 months pregnant and 140 lbs (or even a starting weight of 140) you should not be losing fat during your pregnancy. Your body needs fat stores not only during the pregnancy but also to help support lactation. Your baby also needs to be gaining fat, especially in the last trimester.…
  • I understand the deadline for being able to run a 5k - usually a race/event. But I'm curious about why you must also drop 20 pounds by that date ... what kind of event is this? :wink: It may or may not be possible to lose 20 pounds by then. It depends on your starting weight/how much total you have to lose. If you're near…
  • Many do, but they don't always get it right. And updating it frequently enough might not be high on the store's list of things to spend man-hours on. (Speaking more of the theoretical non-taxed foods than WIC). As lemurcat said, you might not know until you get to the checkout. :disappointed:
  • The WIC program is not necessarily a list of "healthy foods." It is a few foods that are supplied to supplement nutrition for young children. The breads you can get on WIC have HCFS (small amounts, but yes). You can choose from a list of cereals, which includes frosted mini-wheats; they do have guidelines about their…
  • I go to a commercial gym - it's even a national chain/big box! I would eventually like a home gym, but right now it's a matter of no room and having to worry about little kids in the way. The gym has all the equipment I need, and more, plus a kid's area where they can have fun and not get underfoot. Plus, there are other…
  • Seconded. You need to get your body fat % low enough to hit those areas. You may not need to lose a lot more weight; recomposition may be your best bet soon (eating at maintenance and lifting). And it is also genetics that can play a big role in where you store your fat.
    in Fat rolls? Comment by mathjulz July 2016
  • I agree with the others that your plan sounds good, but it would be wise to add in some strength training. At 19, you are in a perfect position to make the most of muscle gains, so now is the time to start! As far as joining a gym, if you have the means to do so, I think it would be a good idea. There is a lot more…
  • My daughter received it a few years ago. As I said in a previous post, my oldest son has completed the series and the next one is about to start it in a few months. I've been with my pediatrician for more than 16 years, with all 5 of my kids. I can say that I have developed a relationship of trust with her. So when she…
  • It is! My oldest son got it, and the next one will be getting the first dose this fall.
  • You know there's ways to block those things, right? You can make it so certain things don't show up in your feed ... probably in a way that won't affect the work you do. It also isn't really that hard to ignore them. I have friends who are always posting about their slim down/get healthy items (they are in some of those…
    in InstaHell Comment by mathjulz June 2016
  • "I know there's food in here somewhere!"
  • I agree with the other posters that exercises won't spot reduce anywhere. There is nothing that will target belly fat specifically. It is about getting your body fat % down low enough that the belly fat goes. That said, I always suggest including weight training (or at the very least, some kind of resistance training!) in…
  • It's never too late, as long as you decide to make small, sustainable changes and commit to consistency. It's better to be working on improving your health (including getting to a healthy weight) at any age than just ignoring it. You can do this! Walking is a fabulous exercise! My grandma walked every morning for years,…
  • Too much sugar can cause blood sugar imbalances if you are sensitive to such things. It's possible that you had a sugar high (lots of energy because of increased blood sugar) followed by a crash (low blood sugar because the insulin was very effective at doing its job, removing sugar from the blood stream). Combine that…
  • Probably a couple of things feed into it - they are used to seeing you at the heavier weight so you do look thin to them, and their own insecurities. Some people may be genuinely concerned, misguided as that sentiment may be, while others just feel threatened because your success may be making them feel more conscious of…
  • I was thinking the same thing. If OP had the smoothie the day before posting the question, all is probably ok. Then again, I don't know how long it takes for the substance to be converted to cyanide.
  • At the shipping station for crazy cat lady starter kits ... :naughty:
  • The play's the thing In which I'll catch the conscience of the king.