

  • I bought some 90% lindt chocolate the other day, was really horrible! But made a mousse with some sweetener and egg white and was fantastic. Really rich and could only manage a small portion...
  • I got a wok for valentines day from my ex......not happy!
  • -Must be taller than me (5 ft 9) -Have a job -Be able to cook and appreciate good food. -Love my kids, dog and horse -Not mind tattoo's -Like to dance -Non smoker -Make me laugh -Not spend longer in the bathroom than me!
  • I didn't settle, thought had found my 'soulmate' but turned out he didn't feel the same. Sometimes being single sucks and its lonely but its a lot better than being lied to and cheated on. Never mind being happy, right now I'd settle just for some peace!
  • I'd like to think there's still some good men out there! And hope one comes my way at some point in the future. He would have to be a friend too, but not necessarily first!
  • I did Atkins for 6 weeks and lost 19 lbs but it was the amount of fat you are meant to eat that I struggle with. That and the lack of fibre! I've decided to stick to under 1200 cals and under 50g of carbs, but all the carbs to come from fruit and veg. Still no bread, pasta, potato's etc. And to keep the proteins up but…
    in Atkins Comment by xxbeckybexx May 2011
  • Hi I'm from Birghton! Started a couple of days ago. Feel free to add me everyone, sure I'll be on here loads, its great! Becky x