MaryLiz2015 Member


  • Has anyone else discovered how simple it is to make homemade Greek yogurt and/or prepping your romaine for salads and storing in mason jars? Seriously good tips! I bought a yogurt maker second hand which sent me to the internet for recipes and I was amazed. We have eaten more salads in the past few weeks than the whole…
  • I switched over to stevia about a year ago and it took a bit of getting used to but now I love it. I use in my coffee every morning also make lemonade from scratch using only 1/4 cup sugar and about 2 T stevia for a 2 quarts. Having a terrible time getting "started" and today is my 3rd attempt to get with the program but…
  • Hi...I just started yesterday also. Have never been heavier and now, due to back issues, cannot exercise. What happened to the woman who used to play tennis 3 times per week and walk every morning? I am in northern AZ where it is a gorgeous 61 degrees this morning. Mary
  • Started yesterday for the first time and already blew it but I did honestly record my intake and it was healthy food! Trying to eat cleaner at the same time...cannot exercise due to health issues and have a HUGE national event on the calendar for Sept 2015. Also just discovered Salad in a Jar so hoping to do more healthy…