Yeah I am doing them but I noticed that I was hungery after 3 to 4 hours and I thought it's sapposed to stop you from being hungery any one else have this problem????
Dont forget to stretch your rights and legs iam a gymnist and if you jog around a little bit before starting and then stretch your rists both ways you can do them for longer times and over and over again but take a break so your blood doesnt run to your head and you end up dissy have fun I did 30 this morning for…
I had trouble sleeping too like the past 4 years and when i mean i didnt sleep i mean i DIDNT sleep i just stayed up and read a book and got bord which caused me to eat more at night cus my mom couldnt tell me not to eat or to whatch how much i take and nag me about it but scence i started trying to lose weight i sleep…
Oh my gosh that is AMAZING!!! it gives me soooo much insparation expecually when i cant wait to drop a few pounds!!!