

  • Don't be discouraged! We have ALL been where you are which is exactly why we came here. Congratulate yourself for taking that first step and be encouraged with that!! Then take the next right step!! Find a buddy who can be an accountability partner for you. If you have a friend in the area who is looking to lose weight or…
  • I've had a hard time getting used to fat free dressings, so I started combining regular & fat free for a 1/2 fat dressing & the taste is awesome!! (Just like the regular dressing)
  • May God bless you as you gain your life back!! Knee replacement is not an easy surgery, but after what you have been through, I know that you can accomplish it. Make sure you have both knees done at the same time. I did that and given the option, I would do the same thing again. One surgery, one recovery, one rehab. Make…
  • If you're not a "finner" you'll end up "thinner" !! :bigsmile:
  • WTG g/f!!!!!!! This past weekend I just walked my first 5K. It was the GREAT STRIDES walk to fight Cystic Fibrosis. My step-daughter lost her battle with CF in December & I did the walk to honor her. It was the first walk that I have EVER done!!! I've only been "walking" for a few months and like you, am totally hooked!!!…
  • Love the recipes on Even my thin husband has enjoyed them immensely. He has double portions!! :bigsmile:
  • You go girl!!! I'm so proud of you and we've never even met!! You are so right about doing things that you enjoy!! I so want to get back into Country Line dancing. I think by the end of the summer, I'll have my husband convinced. After losing 53 lbs, he's calling me his little energizer bunny. I still have a long way to…
  • Hi Cali!! I know how you feel. I have a total of about 178 lbs to lose, but I'm not looking at that number. I look at small interim goals. Each time I accomplish one, I set the next one. It keeps me on track. So far I've lost 53 lbs!!! Today, someone even said, "Hey Slim!" What a rush that was!! I know that I have a long…