You might be over-thinking your on days if you feel "guilty" on your off days. And is the feeling you have really guilt? Fear? Burn out? Self-pity (humor me)? Lots of feelings and obsessing disguise themselves as anxiety and guilt.
Get a little bit of fat, particularly from veggies or nuts) with each meal and snack. I put a tsp of almond butter (27 calories) in 1/2 scoop of prtein powder, 1/4 of a small avocado (60 calories) with turkey slices or egg whites.
Look at the menu and decide what you're going to order before you go
I suggest separating your perspective on food consumption and alcohol consumption entirely. To be honest, the fact that you're asking this question worries me a lot.You're welcome to message me and talk about it further anytime you want to. -Nikkie