Is tag a euphemism for something?
I crush on all my wifeys. Apparently I am a polygamous lesbian... ♡♡ @jenmar22 @kace_kay @heelsandlifting
Because you are pretty. ..
Thank you. It was yesterday. I'm old now. Although since I've been old at heart for ages, I don't know that it matters. Haha.
Aw thank you, wifey!
I am 5'2" and I don't know my weight in stone... But 105lbs and UK dress size is about a 6. Sometimes I can swing an 8 to fit my boobs in, if the waist can be pinned in.
I'm always surprised at how few people take the time to cook all their meals. Going out or hitting fast food is a very rare thing I'm our house. And the price of a meal for a family of 5 would just knock me on my butt. But I spend a lot of time following homesteading blogs, so I know people can make time for a lot more…
Developing something...
Also this...
No, but I just discovered some aromatherapy vape pens I am really interested in trying...
Never seen her before
I meandered in here ... I got lost on my way to Uncrushables...
Yoga. There are a lot of asanas that really help relieve cramps. And if you aren't in pain, I'd say do whatever you normally do.
Spa day
I love you. I am reading Dark Currents
Knows how to swim
He might be marriage material
In for a spa date
Girl's Night