

  • Thanks! I do log my exercises, but I use LoseIt instead of MyFitnessPal (it's just because it's something I had started with and wanted to keep using). When I exercise, I use an armband and open the NikePlus Running app. It seems pretty accurate with it using a GPS and all, but I will definitely look into a step counter. I…
  • Oh yeah, I definitely will not do that. Like I said - I'm not going to deprive myself from any food I enjoy. Of course, I will moderate how much I eat of what, but not completely eliminate it from my life.
  • Yeah, the 1380 is net calories. Yesterday, I ate a total of 1549 (before taking out the 231 calories I lost during exercising). I calculated it and found that my BMR is 1683 calories/day and my TDEE is 2314 calories/day (have never done this before, so thanks for the suggestion). Does this mean I should be aiming to…
  • Yeah, I think it is really about just getting started with that kind of exercise. I was the same about running up until I started seeing results and found myself enjoying it more and more. Thanks for all the tips listed above and the motivation.
  • I really don't want to give up on bread (for obvious reasons, haha). I just find giving up on anything I really like would just end up making me more frustrated. I love bread, especially white bread, so instead of putting all consumption to a stop, I switched to the thin bread Pepperidge Farms sells very early on my…
  • I do have access to weights at home and when I am away for school. I find it pretty boring though, but would be willing to do it if I kept cardio as well in my routine.
  • Yes, I understand the whole thing about starvation mode being a myth. I just purchased a food scale for better accuracy. Could anyone provide input on maybe a change in exercise could help?
  • Yeah, I thought maybe it is the whole "starvation mode" at first, but I feel it is more likely that even though I am still leaving more leeway in estimated calories at the day, I could be eating more than I thought. My net calories end up being around 1350 by the end of the day, so it's not like I'm below the 1200.
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