

  • I have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome and that causes weight to be gained and it to be hard to lose, and I enjoyed food. PCOS also causes depression and anxiety which I have in leaps and bounds. Easier to eat my feelings than deal with them. Family death and mental break down didn't help. Not that I would consider myself…
  • I lost weight on mine, and never had many issues (though I do notice I drink a bit more since I've been on it), now I've kind gotten stuck I think, so we're looking at other options for weight loss but my doctor does tell me its helping because blood work is coming back good. Though the most recent blood work isn't back…
  • I'm sure a lot of people who get it have tired other ways and feel helpless, it probably is a good kick to the system. They may choose not to follow it, but I know someone who got it (after months of going through lots and lots of hoops to be approved), and she lost a lot of weight and is now keeping it off the tried and…
  • Apple and 2 TBSP of reduced fat peanut butter, delicious, healthy, and filling. I do Granny Smith's but I think any apple will work.
  • I'm almost 21, and looking to lose around 29 pounds (at the moment, baby steps). I suffer from PCOS and am also a junior in college. I really would love some more friends to help keep me motivated and on top of things, please feel free to add me!
  • I just do 15 minute alternating on various machines in my small gym my apartment has (usually it is a treadmill/stair climber, but time to time I mix it up). Stair Climber's are great, I find they burn the most calories and you feel like you are really working out but you aren't straining yourself. Then I do at least 30…
  • Female 5'6 (and a half!) 21 (I'm technically still 20 but I turn 21 in 5 days!) 214 (Also I have PCOS so if you do too we should be friends!)
  • I am a more 'blessed' girl, and I wear two bras, I'm not quite as big as you though - so I don't know if that would be enough. I'm hoping to lose some of it with weight loss, but it might also just be my genetics haha.
  • Thanks for the welcome! I didn't realize there were groups! The link isn't quite working but I will go try and find it! Yes I noticed a lot of the community focuses on calories, which is fine, most people don't have PCOS and don't know the differences it makes in weight loss plans :)
  • This is a really good idea! I might try chopping it up super fine to help, and also thanks to everyone who suggested using spinach, I love spinach so I think spinach, some fruit and a good dressing and I might be able to eat salad yet!