

  • Everyone's approach to dieting and healthy eating is different. It certainly good to have some cards in a balanced diet. I don't count how much carbs I eat, but I try to listen to my body what it needs and what it wants. I know how certain types of food, including food I cook affect my mood and energy level. I prefer to…
  • When I was on my journey to lose weight I really enjoyed the process. I didn't do weight-ins at all. Exercising gave me a lot of energy and I got addicted to it. I used to picturing myself how I would feel, how I would look when I lose weight, what cloths would I wear and what things I could do. That visualization together…
  • You radiate positiveness
  • I have five to six small meals a day every one and a half to two hours. I have the first meal right after I wake up. I don't eat late night just because I don't feel like it, but I wake up sooooo hungry.
  • DDP yoga is an amazing workout routine! Guys, if you want to bring you life to a new level, this is the way to go. The reason I started doing DDP yoga was my knee problem that stems from my early childhood. I was expecting a lot form the workout but I couldn't even dreamed of what receive from the workout. This routine…