

  • Thanks Mike! I am not usually more than 100-200 calories short, and that's only on exercise days. I really really appreciate your kind words and realistic advice. I would definitely be happy with 5-10 lbs loss after Insanity! As long as it sets me in the right direction for a healthier lifestyle then I'll be pleased. I'll…
  • Thanks everyone! This was exactly what I needed to know. I didn't expect to just magically lose weight overnight by doing INSANITY, I just thought I would feel different is all. I suppose I'll see when I do my fit test if it is changing me like I think it might be, regardless of the fact that I don't see it....yet. I am…
  • I used to be a dancer, too! Maintaining a healthy, and attractive, weight was so easy when I was dancing every day. Not to mention, it wasn't a chore to "work out" because I was always doing something I loved! Dancing is not exactly something you can go to the gym or the park and "pick up" like playing basketball or…