

  • I agree, Thanksgiving is a celebration of life and a time to appreciate all that you have. Christmas is probably my most favorite. It's about remembering the birth of Jesus and how he has brought joy and peace to my families lives. We give our kids a few presents and fill the stockings but focus more on the true meaning of…
  • beauty comes from within. You love yourself, that's all that matters. Your Doctor was just being "a Doctor". You can change to a different Doctor, if you choose. Keep up the good work on your diet! You've lost 11 pounds!! That is GREAT!
  • It sounds like you are doing great with exercise and yoga as much as you have been doing. You do better than me. Today I walked 3 miles on the treadmill at 3.5 mph. You have just given me inspiration to go faster!! I wll try 4.0 and see if I can do it. As far as an optimal amount? I have heard that if you wear a pedometer,…
  • sounds like a good challenge! Maybe I will try it.