jrh246 Member


  • Night view over the lake.
  • I wore one for about 6 months and had no results, but I didn't believe in it. I read a few studies and reports on it and the results so no significant improvements. So I would agree it is placebo effect.
  • I have not been on here for over a year and am looking for new friends. I have been back for about 2 weeks and could use some friends that are active on here. I am 30 years old with 2 kids and one on the way. I am pretty good at giving support to my friends on here also.
  • You are putting your body in a state of starvation. It is doing everything it can to hold on to reserves and not allowing you to put on the mass you want or drop any weight. You need to focus on cardio and not building mass until you reach your goal weight. You can still do weight training but keep the weights at a…