SuperMal Member


  • I don't have a good answer to todays question...Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving? To be honest when my husband and I are exercising we usually have the tv on to listen too. There is nothing better than to laugh while I'm excersising. I must confess, lately we've been…
  • My goals for Monday fizzled. We had last minute dinner plans come up with family and we didn't get home until late so I had only about 8 minutes of exercise time...there goes 30 minutes a day. :/ However, on a good note, I was able to eat reasonably and stay within my calories yesterday! My advice to someone working on…
  • I'm super excited about this challenge and can't wait for the end results! My goal for August is to lose 10lbs by the 31st and to do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a night. My biggest obstacle is time...I just don't have enough. I work a mon-fri job and own a business which operates on the weekends. I also have 3…
  • I want in...!