

  • Plenty. Chemicals.. nutrients.. Really not here to debate and defend my position. I do not have anything to prove, unlike everyone else around here it seems. Merely popped round to share with others what worked for me. No more, no less. Take it or leave it. Very sorry to see how contentious the boards have become here.…
  • Right. I have not been here in a very long time, and honestly wasn't sure I was doin it right. I didn't think the first one went through, as I couldn't find it after posting it. So excuse me and my fumbling. After the attacks, I am now almost regretting even bothering. Honestly I thought it might help someone. Live n learn.
  • I should have been more specific in my post. My sugar, I meant processed sugar. I have not avoided fruits and even have raw honey in my coffee. Just the processed junk that I have given up. And yes a little flabby skin. I expect some toning up exercise will help with that a little. Good luck to you!
  • This is a very good,valid question. I was having a health crisis, mad head-to-toe hives, and serious stomach issues, so that is why I quit all three at once. I didn't have time to experiment, I was desperate for relief. So now I am not sure at all if it is just one of these that might have made all the difference. Now I…
  • Oh very interesting to hear someone else with a hives/stomach thing that the docs failed to figure out. That was a really awful experience. Might be it was the gluten. And right, starches is more accurate than carbs. I have definitely learned to watch the words more carefully, lol. Thanks for the input.
  • Thank you. And to everyone else who was kind enough to congratulate me, and understand, in context, what I meant by "evil". Quite surprising to find such responses to my simple post. Certainly did not intend to upset so many people, but I suppose it is my fault for not elaborating, and explaining in more detail that by…
  • Wow I am quite amazed at all the responses here. I put the details of my story in a blog post. I had about 40 lbs to lose. I cannot reply to all these posts, but who ever is interested can look at my story here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Elevensies I only wanted to share my experience as I had this extra weight for…
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