thebillmo Member


  • Conventional wisdom is to use a "double-overhand" grip (both hands knuckles out). However if the weight is too heavy for your hands to hold that way, switch to an "alternate" grip where one hand is overhand, the other hand is underhand. Typically your dominant hand will be the overhand one but that's personal preference.
  • Being in a perpetual state of hunger sounds unhealthy and miserable. Your point is well taken that eating disorders in Hollywood are a serious concern. However there is a middle ground: intermittent fasting. Many people practice IF and thrive. The basic idea is you go an extended period without eating, like anywhere…
  • If you haven't yet, browse around these blogs: There are other similar sites/books/articles out there as well. Their methods--intermittent fasting, fasted training, high intensity training, macronutrient manipulation, etc.--aren't for…
  • Turkey breast. Deli-sliced smoked or roasted turkey is a staple when I need a protein boost. This is a great tool for food queries like yours: . Oddly enough though for high protein it tells me the winner! I said it was a great tool, not perfect. :smile:
  • The way you have phrased it it's a straightforward math problem. The last piece of information you need to provide is how many calories you need to eat per day to fuel your lifestyle and exercise and achieve your weight goal. MFP estimates that for you. Let's say the number is 2,000 calories per day. If you eat 140 g of…
  • I start it when I begin the warmup, and stop it when I finish the cooldown, provided my heart rate is below the "Light" HR Zone. I often use multiple cardio machines in a single workout so I let the watch run while I switch even though my HR drops. I do pause it for long breaks such as, um, powdering my nose. I don't let…
  • The reason I joined MFP is that I inadvertently wasn't eating enough calories in a day to sustain my exercise and non-exercise needs. My body was showing signs of stress so I started tracking the calories with MFP and confirmed that yes, my deficit was out of bounds. So now I eat more. The moral: yes, do eat back your…