

  • oohh pictures...they can be an awful wake up call..... I remember not wanting pictures wheni was thinner and now i think" why didn't i take pictures then ? I was so cute..." hahaha no i hope to get healthy before it is saved in anyone's facebook hahaha
  • I think you were fair when you let her know how you felt and how you wanted it to change. We can't change people but some people have a draining affect and those kind you can really do without,, not that you have to get rid of her all together,, but you can set your limits. Remember, If someone is making you feel bad when…
  • Absolutely!! It was when I realized that I feel drained and my mind and spirit was suffering for it that I knew I had to get back on track.... It was like that fighting spirit of mine was in there but I was keeping her submerged... plus, depression runs in my family so it is always a concern in the back of my mind...
  • was that an invitation I heard??? You are so on :happy: I will be happy to have u by my side,, the more the better ,,, after having people ask u things like,,, did u workout today? make u wanna work out hahaha...