

  • Everyone in my family has the 2nd toe really longer than the rest, and because of that it curls under. My first son was upset to realize at 16 that he had the family toe. My third son also has the toe, but he is 6. At least we only have 5 toes. Ha..Ha..
  • My aunt-in-law, basically my mother-in-law (she raised my husband) gave me paper towels, dish soap, toilet paper, soap, laundry detergent, towels, dryer sheets, etc. My husband says that aunt Eddie gives that to everyone who joins the family, as a christmas gift for the first two years. I knew what I was getting for the…
  • Yes, excess water can cause headaches, severe ones and effect vision. More than 8 glasses in a day, should be monitored by a Dr.. Excess water intake can cause a condition known as water intoxication. And other problems resulting from the dilution of sodium (salt) in the body, hyponatremia. Increased water and decreased…
  • I am still scared of the dark, soon to be 50. And sleep with a night light. :bigsmile:
  • I started 4 weeks ago to diet with a Dr.'s help, and have learned to cook different. My husband eats anything and whatever is put in front of him. So, he started eating what I ate for lunch and dinner. I gained 1 pd in the last for 4 weeks, and he lost 9 lbs. He was able to pass his weight check in the Army, otherwise he…