

  • Well I went and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. I was able to track and stick to a healthy way of eating 3 of the 5 days. The other 2 days were the party and the day of leftovers. I feel good about the 3 days I was really careful about not eating desserts and such and I feel okay that I splurged on the other 2…
  • Thank you!! :smile:
  • I'm on Victoza too, but I'm only on 1.2mg. My goal with weight loss and diet to maybe get off the medicine all together! I think we can each achieve our goals.
    in victosia Comment by tragerjs August 2014
  • My NSV is that I have tracked my food for 5 days in a row. It's a big deal for me because I'm usually horrible about tracking my meals!
  • Thank you zcb94! Todays lunch actually didn't have enough carbs; I had a P3 protein pack (turkey, cheese, peanuts), a low-fat string cheese, and a cup of mixed berries. All that was only 19 carbs according to MFP! I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Somedays I go over my carbs and some days I'm under. I work full time…
  • Good morning everyone, I'm new to the group, and new to type 2/prediabetes. I had gestatiional diabetes 7 years ago (omg I can't believe my baby is 7!) and while I was fine for the first few years after, my sugars started creeping up as did my weight. I'm currently on Victoza 1.2mcg and working on my eating habits and…
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