if its TOM that you are probably looking at that as the reason... also, for me, if I weigh myself more than once a week I go CRAZY because of minor fluctuations! I weigh in once a week at the same time of day and then dont step on the scale for the rest of the week...
Who sugested the Nutritionist to you?? The reason that I ask is that here in Canada ANYONE at all can call themselves a nutritionist regardless of their training - however only people who have a degree in nutrition can call themselves dietitians... So, that being said - Nutrionists here can have ALL sorts of varied ideas…
I agree as well - If he isnt healthy for you, then he also isnt healthy for your children - it isnt healthy for them to see you being treated as anything less than the love of his life if he wants to stay with you - thats what YOU deserve - and trying to change him isnt going to work - that never works - and trying to be…
To me GMOs are scary only because we DONT know the long term affects... or even if there will be any... And I really hate that they dont have to tell you if it is GMO or not...
Welcome! The journey has started for many of us - but most of us are ready and willing to share the journey!
I'm no longer a teenager - but I was a bigger teenager! Go ahead and add me as a friend if you want! And welcome to MFP!!
Good luck to you!! I fully understand where you are coming from! Keep working at it... you sound like you already know what you need to do to make yourself healthy (and I dont mean weight). All the best **Blessings**
Welcome and good luck!
Women just let yourselves FART already!! I work in an office with almost all women, we let them rip all day long and blame them on each other :laugh: It is far from anything to be ashamed of - it is the exact oposite. Your body is adjusting to your HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! Are the other women in your office working their butts…
I find that, along with more fiber, also more protien helps me to stay full longer!
veggies and hummus veggies and almonds (10-15 are a whole serving of protien and also have your calcium intake for the day!) hardboilled egg and a half an apple (always eat the whole egg - otherwise its not a whole protien!) Celery with peanut butter and raisins (put the peanut butter on the celerey and top with raisins -…
It can be hard to make that magical 1200! I struggled with it ALOT at first. Eat healthy and stop when you are full - your body should get used to regular meals and the exercise that you are doing and will probably start to be hungry for all 1200 of those calories. Thats what happened to me! And now I eat healthy (most…
The Tzatziki I threw together for "Lazy College Kids Falafel" from - They are really good and really easy, but they needed the Tzatziki to make them GREAT! The Salmon Spread I usually do for parties or the such and serve with crackers... it would probably also be good…
That sounds really good!!
For me it is the hormones and anti-biotics and the masses of mucous that it causes for me! I stay away from teh soy for the estrogen factor... I dont think that cheese is EVIL :devil: but I dont think that is is the healthiest option... at least for me That being said - I AM A CHEESE ADDICT!!! I can go without milk, cream…
I know exactly what you mean! I think that for alot of people it makes them uncomfortable... they know that they shouldnt have the fries drowning in gravy and cheese, but they just dont want to think about it! Its kind of like a smoker who knows that they need to quit but just doesnt think about it so they never have to...…
Its totally the baking powder/soda - oats also have sodium in them
What about veggies and hummus? I keep a thing of hummus on my desk at work all day long and veggies dont need to be refridgerated
Well Said!
It can be harder, from what I understand, to be veg and eat clean... I like meat too much to be a vegetarian!! mmmmm Goldfishes!
I make as much as I possibly can from scratch! It is hard - time consuming - but I am lucky that I dont have kids yet!! We are going to be planting herbs and lettuce on our deck in the next couple of weeks... I love fresh herbs!
I wish that I could buy more organic - I'm too poor :laugh: I understand the feeling of depravation - I have discovered that I actually prefer things like brown rice over white...I think that I am lucky in that though.
I agree with you on the meat - the only reason we have cut out the red is that neither of us can digest it any more... :grumble: I also agree about the cheese - I wont eat processed low fat or low cal cheese to save my life! (or low fat/low cal foods in general) But...I am lactose intollerant as well - so I really can only…
I am a bit of a protien addict - I go over the limit EVERY day... I dont know about it being "bad" for weight loss - but I do know that I have lost around 15lbs in two months and I eat, at the very least, 5 servings of protien every day.
Its hard when we have to fight against our own learned behaviors - No wonder you dont want to "show off" your body! Its a wonder that you are even able to have a current boyfriend with all the garbage that has happened to you! It is really hard to adjust your mind to a "new" body and "new" habits (eating healthy,…
We get "rebars" They have 8 servings of fruit and veg in them.. and are clean. I'm just not sure if you can get them anywhere else....
took me a bit to get into - probably because I had two other books on the go at the time! - but once I did I couldnt put it down!
I'm also reading Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom - but I've been working on that one for about a year!!
PP&Z KICKED *kitten*!!! That was one of the funniest books I have read in a long time!! I am currently reading: Making Money - by Neil Gaimen Dreaming the Eagle - by Manda Scott The Deathly Hallows (again) - JKRowling (as if people didnt know) I usually have at least three books on the go... I am a compulsive reader!!!…