You can loose the weight with out working out. I have personally done both. I lost about 50 lbs on weight watchers about 6 years ago with out working out and just watching what I ate, but i also had a different job where I was on my feel much more than i am now. Last year i lost about 80 lbs before my wedding, i did this…
I'm in, it will be nice to have a group of people that want to do this challenge. I have a stepper and am ready to start counting :)
Hi, I am 6'0" and am also looking to loose about 85 lbs. Its really nice to see that someone on here has the same goal idea as I do. I sit behind a desk most of my day and after getting married, i started to pack on the pounds that I lost before my wedding. I want to get healthy and loose weight before my husband and I try…