gregthomas02 Member


  • For as long as I can remember I've always struggled to run no longer than a couple of minutes. In May I decided to see if I can change that so started using the treadmill frequently at my gym. At first I'd run 2 minutes, walk 5 minutes then repeat. After a week I found that I could run 3 minutes then walk 2, I continued to…
  • Working in IT I can also relate. I always find going for a walk at lunch time puts me in a better frame of mind to do well for the remainder of the day, whereas sitting at my desk or driving somewhere eventually leads to eating more and feeling down. Using a Fitbit and seeing my daily steps is also a boost to continue,
  • I'm currently 201 lb (worst 248 lb), I'm running more and participating in my first 5k run in 2 weeks. I'm in a situation where people close to me are saying I shouldn't be losing more weight and I look fine, to me though I still need to lose weight. Not because I think I'm fat or unfit, I feel "heavy" when running and it…
  • Is anyone else still having this issue? I've recently setup my wife's Misfit Flash to MFP and it syncs the steps but not calories. Thanks