

  • Once you get out on the beach for that vacation of yours you will be so happy!
  • Hi Jessica, welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy it. Plenty of fun here, lots of things look at and interesting posts to read. If you have any questions there is always someone willing to give you time and attention. Hope you list your foods, it will help a lot. Hugs!
  • more Maxine fun here:
  • hey I think I'm right! I Googled this: woody allen "leaving my body to science" and got hits. S.L.
  • My guess is Woody Allen (Allan Stewart Konigsberg).
  • hi, That sounds like what Oprah is doing, another Tyra Banks' show. Go Tyra, you've go Oprah copying you! I like Tyra's ideas you related.. I believe posture is one of the things Oprah's discussing, specifically giving the lowdown on "how to walk in heels" to make yourself look taller and younger. Purses. What type of…
  • Hi Rosy, Thanks for joining up with My Fitness Pal. I've been here about a week and i believe it has helped me by keeping me focused. Yes I think you can reach your goal by June. It won't be easy, that part is true, but it does get easier a little bit down the line when your new eating and exercising habits take hold.…
    in New Comment by SkinnyLynnie March 2010
  • Hi Patricia, and welcome! I'm new also and trying to figure things out. Come by and visit me if you want. I filled out my profile and have been on here for a week. I don't know if you have or want fitness pals -- but if you do, please add me. Thanks! Lynnie