Since your a counselor I wanted to tell you of a book that has saved my life with different addictions...the book is called JUMP you can order it at Im starting to use the principals from that book for food!
At Celebrate Recovery they have groups for food related issues, or addictions/compulsions . Check them out, then you will see you arent alone in your recovery from food!!! :) Check out local churches!
Im so not close to goth or an age where goth would be appropriate even if I wanted to be that way ,but.....WAY TO GO making a decision to stop hanging your head in SHAME and making decisions to be healthier!!!!! Its one choice at a time!!!!! Good luck to you!!!!
I used to take that medicine and went from 235 to 200 pretty fast! I LOVED The side affect since I am so much overweight! BUT this is why people dont like this med for younger kids it can hurt them losing so much! BUT man does it ever work awesomely!!! I wish I could get back on it, but i had alot of other issues with the…