

  • It is correct that you cannot "spot reduce" body fat with any form of exercise. Where you hold your body fat is partly hereditary. Reducing your weight through healthy changes in your diet is the quickets way to rid yourself of high levels of body fat. From that point - exercise takes over in shaping your overall physique.…
  • Beacause of my profession, I have access to a professional-grade Body Composition Analyzer where I can look at client's fat free mass (muscle, water weight, etc), body fat percentage, and water weight. Unless you have access to equipment like this, you may have been gaining muscle and / or retaining water. Stop focusing on…
  • Great job! What's most impressive is that you kept it off between the hurdles you faced. Even shooting for a 1/2 pound a week allows you to live your life and learn slowly at the same time. That's the most important part is learning how to deal with temptation.
  • It depends on what your goal is as to how you should be strength training. The split-routine systems is really best for mass-dominant and strength athletes (body builders, foobtall players, etc.) Here you are performing many exercises for the same body part to bring about optimal muscle gains. I prefer what you stated you…
  • Yes you CAN do this! Focus back on the concepts you first practiced . . . use proper portion control. Eat frequently using small portions. You should eat until the point of satisfaction . . . not until you are "full" or stuffed. Move more! Don't overwhelm yourself either. Focus on making TWO positive choices per day as…