kaylafrick Member


  • I rode a bike a lot growing up, seriously--A LOT. I also got into weight lifting at around 16 because it was fun to impress my friends by being able to do over 400 lbs on the leg press..... The outcome? I have pretty GINORMOUS legs, that will never go away. Sometimes it's discouraging because I think they look manly, but…
  • Pick me! Pick me!!!!!! I just started this and would love to have more friends on here that want to lose a significant amount, like myself.
  • I quit smoking a few times, I used chantix twice and it worked but gave me awful nightmares. I ended up smoking again due to stress and not knowing how to cope with it in a healthier way. Most recently, I quit smoking about six months ago, but had really tapered down long before that. I didn't tell myself or anyone that I…