Canned salmon is FANTASTIC for salmon patties/burgers. It's an extremely versatile food, not to mention cheap, but I prefer the burger route. (You can also totally do tuna salad, but switch in the salmon for the tuna.) You'd just make sure to remove the "spine" from the salmon meat in the can, then put the meat in a bowl,…
Walking and some weightlifting have been my methods for awhile now- what got me going initially? Just buying a pedometer. I saw one at the store for like, four dollars, and seeing how far I've gone and how many steps I've taken just motivates me to keep going. It helps me unwind, too!
I'd absolutely go for that Chicken Sausange & Orzo Soup, it's one of my favorite types, and even the full bowl is only 200cal. Soups are generally pretty light and give you extra wiggle room for some appetizer and maybe a dessert. I figure as long as you don't have a big breakfast, you can have soup, tea, and even some…
That would be the best job. The best. (based on that pic!) 8, taken, seeing eye dog by day, balloon vendor by night.
24, single, lobster salesman.
Single, 23, bartender? o:
Approximately 1200 baseball caps of varying styles, and a dress.
Eyebrows! (Because eyebrows are very important to me, shh.)
Bask in the sheer, no-boob glory. Go down stairs! Do jumping jacks! All without getting a black eye.