

  • Thanks, Made4worships! Sure it is a good idea to take a before and after picture, that way when we loose all the weight we won't ever want to go back to what we looked like. I too am mostly behind the camera however, everyone seems to own a digital camera and/or a camera phone! It used to be that one would be very…
  • Ditto on the bad pictures! I saw some of myself that were taken this weekend and all I thought was 'who is that women?'. Worst yet I have a wedding to attend to next weekend and won't be able to loose a lot of the weight by then! Yeah more bad pictures. <sigh> I found a sight that has some great recipes on it. It also…
  • This seems to be a great site! I too have to loose weight. I go up I go down! How depressing! My problem is I lead a very busy lifestyle. By busy I mean functions to attend. The functions always include food and beverages. I am having a terrible time. Being in your 50's doesn't help either. I tend to eat on the run or when…
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