SuperWoman910 Member


  • Hi Everyday is a new beginning. its important to remember that this is a lifestyle change and allowing yourself low calorie sweets 3-4 times per week will make sure you don't do the deprive and binge cycle. believe me I am 52 and have been living that cycle. Your mantra is "nothing as good as thin feels" try it, see if it…
  • I agree with the oatmeal thing if you have time. Also, Arnold Flat Multigrain Bread with scrambled egg whites and a small apple. Quick Shake/smoothie frozen blueberries, 1/2 banana, vanilla almond milk and a whey protein powder. You can make a batch use 12 oz at a time and keep in fridge just shake before drinking. Also a…
  • There are all these cliches about getting back on the horse, and getting back on the highway, etc. But the truth is it's hard and it sucks. However, you can do one of 2 things; 1. you can give up and say frig it or 2. you can forgive yourself and move on. If I were you I WOULD CHOOSE 2. Hope this helps a little
  • I like Aria-Vanilla Whey Protein