Amy's Kitchen products (many) are even kosher certified... frozen dinners and some come with less salt options and you can also choose nut free in their search engine... They have symbols by the ones that are kosher and nut free . Also, their canned items are non-BPA lined.
Get a meal that you want, cut it in half or a third (don't order the fatty cuts of meat like rib eye.. isn't sirloin suppose to be less fattening?)... ask for a take home box immediately, put the rest into the box immediately. Don't ask for anything that you think would derail your diet... maybe substitute a plain baked…
I have tried a few and none worked for me at all... :( I found the way to stop craving crap food and lose weight was to not eat it at all. People keep saying "all in moderation" but that doesn't include junk that makes one binge, imo. Personally, I want to live a healthier life and try to do that by not eating processed…
steel cut oats with blue berries and ground flax and hemp seeds
Here is a chart to help you out with being vegan/vegetarian and nutritional needs, etc:) Hope this helps:)
Wow, congratulations for getting past being anorexic and eating a healthy diet. THat is a huge accomplishment!