seamandi Member


  • I have a mild thyroid issue that doesn't require medication, but does make losing weight a struggle. I've found that short spurts of exercise throughout the day rather than one intense workout helps a lot. Good luck to you!
  • I love breakfast food! However, I've started only eating fruit for breakfast so I occasionally have breakfast for dinner. I eat 300-500 calories worth of fruit every morning depending on how hungry I am, what kind of fruit I have on hand and how long of a walk I take in the morning.
  • I log everything I eat, and most of it is veggies and fruit. I like to see how much more I can eat of the good for you stuff than the bad stuff, it helps keep me motivated.
  • I'm the kind of person who's motivation stems from supporting and motivating others, so I absolutely have fallen in love with this site since joining just 10 days ago. I lost 30 lbs prior to joining, and was starting to lose the drive, but having all of the wonderful people on MFP to interact with who can relate is so…
  • I've been a member at a few different gyms, and when I asked how to use the equipment they were nice enough to show me, but there wasn't a "program" or anything (of course there was an offer to pay for a personal trainer). But that was never really the main issue with me. I just hate gyms. I hate the smell, i hate the…
  • I feel your pain! I absolutely hate the gym, and always have. Even when I was one of the "skinny minnies", I just always felt out of place. I use to get so anxious and it would just ruin my work out. I was embarrassed by not knowing how to use any of the machines, and would tend to only stay for 20 minutes tops. I wish I…
  • ha! You sound like my mom! Except she's 64. Whenever one of her kids (I'm the youngest of 3) has a birthday she says "It's so weird how you all keep getting older, and I just stay the same age." Her favorite quote is "You don't stop laughing because you get old, you get old because you stop laughing." I genuinely believe…
  • fantastic!
  • I eat fruit only for breakfast, usually a banana is included. I am constantly over my carb and sugar goals for the day, but since it's all from fruit I don't worry about it. The benefits I've received from eating lots of fruit (more energy, clearer skin, better sleep) makes me confident that fruit is not the enemy. I…
  • FRUIT is the answer! Eat fruit for breakfast. I cut out all sugar for about 6 months, including fruit and honey, due to an issue related to sugar. The first weeks were awful, then the next few months were great, then I started feeling angry and tired all the time. Even worse, I was breaking out worse than when I was in…
  • I eat both equally. They have different important nutrients, so you're doing nothing but good by eating them both. All dark green veggies are very nutrient dense, low calorie foods. I honestly go with whatever is cheapest are the grocery store-right now kale is 99cents for a bunch at Kroger so I'm obviously getting more…
  • I'm also 5'10, I lost 30 pounds before anyone noticed, including myself. If you're like me, you gain and lose weight all over, not just in you torso. I finally noticed my pants were getting loose and got on the scale and shocked!
  • GREAT WORK!!! Before you know it, you'll be posting "Under 100" pics! ;)
  • What are you eating for breakfast? Of course breakfast is the most important meal of the day and all that, but what you eat can really affect your energy. I cut my last bad habit, energy drinks, out 3 weeks ago and started eating fruit only for breakfast, and lots of it. My energy levels are better than ever! I sleep so…
  • sent you a request. I've been on here more than fb since joining 5 days ago
  • I sent you a request!
  • I sent you a request! WELCOME!
  • My brother was really into juicing for a while. He even did 27 days straight with juice alone. He found it beneficial to helping with non-weight related health issues (headaches, muscle aches, drowsiness) . However, when you juice all of the fiber ends up in the pulp, so I think a better idea is to blend the fruits and…
  • Keep up the good work!!! Thank you for the very inspirational post!
  • If you haven't been tested what makes you think it's a gluten sensitivity? Just curious. It could likely be something else, and if you cut out gluten for a substantial amount of time and it turns out that wasn't the problem, when you add it back you could have created a problem. Only 1% of the population has celiac disease.
  • Wow! This brings me back to my high school days dancing. I was 5'10, weighed 135 lbs, but I had large boobs and a booty. I remember feeling fat most days at practice because the other girls who were my height were toothpicks. I ended up quitting when I was 17 because I felt so out of place (one of my bigger regrets in…
  • Are you gauging your goal off of what the site says? The suggested protein on my "goals" is higher than what I actually need following the formula my nutritionist sister-in-law suggested : men and women over the age of 19 should get at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (or 0.37 grams per…
  • Keep telling yourself that it's better to lose weight slowly and keep it off than to lose it quickly just to gain it back! I had already lost 30 pounds before joining this site a few days ago (over the course of 4 months), what plan are you following? Feel free to add me on here!