tinabug11 Member


  • Rabbit meat also makes great sausage.
  • We're rabbit farmers so I cook up a rabbit in the instant pot, shred it, and use it in all kinds of dishes.
  • Hi revinso, I live in California, USA, near the San Francisco Bay. It's nice to meet you. I commend you on your goals and achievements so far. It is no small feat to lose 10% of one's body weight. Kudos to you. I have lost 13 pounds (5.9 kg) in the last 3-4 weeks by intermittent fasting. I use the MFP app to log food and…
    in Hello Comment by tinabug11 October 2021
  • Hi Everyone, I'm back at it, too. Been away so long I don't remember, but have lost 13 lbs. with intermittent fasting and recording meals in MyFitnessPal. Happy to cheer everyone on!
  • The website adds food calories for exercise that you do, so if you need to eat more, do some more exercise. That way you earn your extra calories.
  • I just started doing 1200 calorie diet. I'm following the DASH food pyramid and there's a book call the DASH Diet Action Plan. It's not really a diet in that there's no special food, just follow the food pyramid and keep the calories within the limits set. The Action Plan just helped me figure out the number of servings of…