

  • I was having almost the same prob. I would give myself a cheat day every Friday. It was lovely, until I realized I was losing roughly 3-4lbs per week (total), but just on my cheat days I was gaining 2-4lbs. So, really, I was only loosing about a pound a week, if that. I decided that was crazy, why was I doing that to…
  • Not sure if it's true but I've read somewhere that once you start feeling thirsty, you're already dehydrated. I guess you're supposed to drink water before you start feeling it? IDK, but I personally have to keep track of how much water I drink, otherwise I won't drink any.
  • Oatmeal, some are bland and all kinds "stick" to the stomach calming it, and there are different kinds that have different calorie counts, plus really good for you in tons of ways! Good Luck, hun
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