

  • Thanks for all the support, I PROMISE I won't do ab exercises, as that seems to be a big no-no lol! I'll just keep walking, it boosts my mood also, so it has a few more benefits.
  • I don't understand the idea of eating your exercise calories. I mean, isn't eating when you're not hungry how most of us got here anyway? If I only ate when hunger hit, I would have never gotten overweight to begin with. However, I am not a professional at this, so I am probably wrong.:)
  • One Blizzard is not going to send you over the blizzard every day, now that's different! :wink: You might surprise yourself, sometimes I mess up and overeat, and when I weigh again I have actually lost weight! I think it's the stress of worrying about it. No one is perfect, and I think it's great that you're…
  • This is just my own little theory and it not based on any scientific facts whatsoever, but I'm thinking that your body has to work to digest what you eat, and if you eat about the same stuff or the same amount every day, then your body gets used to burning up that amount...then you eat a bunch of different foods at higher…
  • Sydney, first off congratulations on your baby and impending wedding! I'm getting married June 5, so I understand your pressure:) I lose motivation with the exercise too, but then I just force myself to do it. I read somewhere that it takes 14 days to make a habit, and I think that if we make exercise a habit, like eating…