

  • I am female, 62, with osteoarthritis in both knees. Needed to lose minimum 69 pounds and just restarted this plan a couple weeks ago. I do all my exercise in the pool, and it I don't do it, my knees get much worse!! I occasionally have problems with Bakers Cysts behind the knees which also makes knees very stiff. I use…
  • Two weeks will damage the good habits you've been creating. Try one or two days and then go back and see how it feels. Even WeightWatchers recommend one day a week for a real treat.
  • I just finished physical therapy for similar pain. I had bursitis in both hips and was given a cortisone shot in each to regain the ability to walk freely. The therapy included specific stretches, strength training, amd ice packs after each session. Sitting too long really aggravates it. Yesterday, I had part of the pain…
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