

  • So with working out AND eating I need to have 1200 I should really consume 300 calories MORE if I am working out and burning 300 calories OFF? I have tried Greek yogurt - i actually HATE it. Tastes grainey and gross to me...BBBBLECH... I try and eat more veggies I just get bored...I need a personal chef to make…
  • yes i log basically everything i do...i leave out maybe olive oil that i cook with but that's about it.
  • Thank you! And NOOOOO I am def not eating for two...not anytime soon at least. I'm only 24! I have a lifetime to experience before children!! I'm gonna go buy a measuring tape...probably NOT going to like that.... For everyone else I have tried wearing my pedometer to try and make myself walk more...and my boss at work and…
  • wow! Basically I have my stationary bike that i bought for my birthday...i've been the same weight since february of this year...been consistant the last month. I've tried walking more, drinking more water, cut out a lot of alcohol i rarely even have a glass of wine...maybe once a month. I've cut out soda except an…
  • It's a healthy goal to aim for...if you eat right and exercise every day I think it is VERY realistic. It's healthy to lose 1.5-2 lb/per week. A quick trick is to consume a lot of water. Fun fact - if you are dehydrated you body gives you hunger pangs so you eat but if you drink a bottle of water you won't be as hungry!…