SO TRUE. Opposite of what you say, Tons of celebs are 5'9 and weigh 115 and if they gained 10 pounds, people would talk. I've had this issue before too and it really gets to a point where you have to tell people to mind their own business. Until you start refusing to eat, they need to keep their judgements to themselves or…
I was talking about this with a co-worker the other day. It truly is ridiculous because the people who say this are comfortable with you the weight you are and when you lose 20 or 30 or more, it makes them feel uncomfortable with themselves. Most of them don't even know why and they rationalize it by saying "you're getting…
I'm a katie too lol, lets be friends! i'm so close to my goal weight, and it helps to have girls who are on your side working for the same thing! :D
I'm 5'10! I need to lose about 20, but would LOVE to lose about 30. I'd be soo thin :D
thanks so much guys. i know all this stuff its just sometimes you need to hear it again and again and its all very true excellent advice. besides the going to the springer show! :) off to delete!
that is so true. in the US there are ALOT more over than underweight so theres this social stigma on the underweight. i kind of feel like its bitterness and jealousy and small mindedness. take a psychology class or develop some empathy geez
you look amazing!! well done
my baby is 7 weeks old. are you all saying you can't lose weight while breAst feeding? or it just may take longer because of the added calories? because i have 60lbs to lose asap :) of course while watching my supply
omg i would of killed them! or at least gone fried green tomatoes on their cars lol! remember that movie? what kind of girls would be ok w a guy theyre messing with to talk to anybody like that! i would be disgusted
yeah i think that is abuse and i know from personal experience it hurts more and stays w you much longer than a punch in the face. i believe your family shapes your self-worth and teasing, name calling, plain out ignorant ugliness will not be allowed in my house, among my children. my dad is an alcoholic so he would…
This site is awesome. A person at my job told me to check out (couch potato to 5k in 30 days) and this was added to the site. I got my sister hooked today too; she already added the app to her Iphone. She is always constantly asking me, 'how many calories do you think this is...?" and so on, so this site is…
I'm definitley in!! Yay! I'm starting today though and lets see. I'm supposed to be 170 by March 3, but I'm still 180 (could be some muscle gain hehe) so I would like to lose 10 lbs by the end of March too. Yay I love challenges...
I agree with ya. I read in a recent article, "top 10 diet foods that burn fat", number one was almonds. They're great for the metabolism, skin, hair, good cholesterol...and they keep you full longer ;).