brownewell94 Member


  • You could try the shred without too much on your shoulder. If it started getting worse I would quit though. Could you talk to the people at the pain clinic and see what they say?
  • Thanks so much!! Now to get off the couch and jump start my diet! This is a wonderful site full of great people. So glad I rejoined!!!
  • I so agree! She is so rough on him. Makes me kinda wonder why he stays.
  • What a great challenge!! I started MFP in june of last year and did really good (20 pounds in 8 weeks). Then I took a job at my kids' school The cooks there are great and spoil the staff. It was so easy to let myself slide. I have also chased down the wagon! 8 1/2 days of school left, so the temptation will be so much…
  • I did good losing weight over the summer. Now I'm back to what I consider a job. PTO, subbing for secretary at my kids' school, and I have no motivation at all. I start over every Monday, but get the weight I gained lost by Friday, and gorge myself on the wekends. I can come up with some doozies of excuses. Anyway, I'm…
  • I am at the same point. I weigh 219 and have been there over a month. Hopefully this week will be different, REALLY hoping! Good luck with the Atkins!!!
  • Our elementary school has a new program! It is a walking race. All the students participate during school and the ones who are able can at night. One night a week the community and school are invited to the school to walk for 2 hours. The class that gets the closest to 500 miles by the Christmas break get Tshirts and a…
  • On my daughter's 1st day of K she looked at me and said "You're not coming in are you?" Broke my heart, and made me realized she was ready for this. My son? "You have to come in every day mom!" BTW, he's my baby. Anyway, it's hard I know!
  • CSI, NCIS, Dirty Sexy Money, Criminal Minds. Those are about the only ones I get to see.
  • I noticed your ticker. Way to go on more weight lost!!!
  • To the right of where you search for food is "enter item not listed" in green. Click on that and fill in your information.
  • I was the same way with weight watchers. Everyone else around me lost 40-60 pounds on WW and I gained 10! It's nice to know that I'm not alone! This sight really does work.
    in new Comment by brownewell94 July 2008
  • How do yo make an 88 calorie brownie? Sweets are my biggest weakness at TOM.
  • i think rice is like pasta. 1/4 cup dry rice would be 1/2 cup cooked rice.
  • I've lost 11 lbs since late June. However, I have not lost any inches. I've not been able to exercise like I should though. I would love to lose the inches! Do you have to eat the calories you burn from exercise? If I don't will I sabotage my weight loss?
  • Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Stress has a way of making us eat. Just pick up and start over. I have the same problem when my grandfather died. I'm sure your grandmother would be proud to see you've continued. Hope it goes well.
  • I know how you feel. I have a friend who lost 50 pounds in 6 monthes. I've been on MFP for 4 weeks and have lost 10. Several days, I've gained 2 or 3. I have a major "why do it day." But my husband tells me on those days (he has almost 250 to lose) that there are days in our lives we must binge to enjoy life. Just pick…
  • My husband did about 3years ago. Did real good, lost over 50lbs! However, he didn't continue it faithfully and gained it all and more back. Now he is on MFP with me. Hope that Atkins works for you! Not all diets work the same for everyone.